Thursday, May 26, 2011


I did it!! I finally had a chance to start cooking again so I invited my favorite pescetarian over for dinner. I had been planning this meal for quite some time, especially because I needed special equipment. There were a few recipes I was considering but then I remembered a comment from an earlier post that directed me to a recipe that looked pretty easy.

2 large or 3 medium size russet potatoes
2 egg yolks
½ cup flour and more for dusting
special equipment: Potato Ricer!

Boil the potatoes for 30 minutes or so. While the potatoes are boiling, you should be making whatever sauce you plan to use because the potatoes will need all your attention when they’re done boiling.  Once they’re done boiling, quickly run cold water over them then drain. While they are still hot, peel the potatoes. At this point you should start boiling the water that you will use to cook the gnocchi. Run the potatoes through the potato ricer.

This was my favorite part! Fluffy pieces of potato will fall into the bowl, not quite snowflake like maybe shredded coconut, but either way something fabulous happened in that bowl.   Next up make some space in the center and add the egg yolks and flour.

Mix the ingredients together until the flour is well blended.  Dust the counter top with flour, take a small handful of the dough and roll out into a ½ inch thick log.

Cut the log into 1-inch pieces. Throw a handful into the boiling water. They will sink to the bottom. 

When they rise to the top, it’s time to scoop them out! They only need about 3 minutes to cook.

Once they are cooked, it is best to serve them immediately. I topped it with a tomato sauce I made. 

I think I overdid it a little so I’m not going to share the recipe. I’ll do better next time when I make my next gnocchi – yuppers I’ll be doing this again! The recipe allegedly serves 4 but in reality it feeds 3, so keep that in mind.  The gnocchi was light and fluffy, it was like eating well-formed mashed potatoes. All sorts of awesome! I definitely enjoyed this dish and look forward to trying a different recipe soon.

Hungry yet? 

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