Sunday, July 31, 2011

Spicy Vegetable Omelette

I almost didn’t write this post, but I figured it was a good example of how leftovers can work out.  I really have Bestie to thank for this meal.  Her concern regarding my lack of food meant she was doing the most when she was here about a month ago.  After our dinner at Do Hwa, we came home with most of our sides.  The next morning, she whipped up a magnificent omelette with some fresh veggies from Ithaca and some of our leftovers.

6 egg whites
¼ cup Kimchi
4 big leaves of Swiss Chard
¼ broccoli or any other vegetable you have

Mix the egg whites in a bowl, add the vegetables.  Heat a skillet to medium heat and add non-stick cooking spray.  Pour the eggs in there and turn to low heat.  This is a slow cook process because the vegetables are raw.  You want them to still maintain some crispness when you’re done but don’t want them to be completely raw.  After about 5 minutes, the eggs should solidify around the vegetables and the cooking process is over! Now cut in half and share with your best friend :)

We ate it with a slice of toast and it was way more delicious than I anticipated.  The kimchi added a nice spicy bite. Just goes to show you, sometimes you best bet is to dig in your fridge and make something out of whatever is there.

Hungry yet? 

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