I’ve had Petite Abeille on my list of restaurants to visit for quite some time. I’ve heard great things about their mussels and they have excellent specials. On the night Ms. O and I went, it was lobster night. When we arrived at the West Broadway location, there were plenty of empty seats but no one to attend to us. When we finally got someone’s attention and got a seat, we were ready to place our order. Obviously lobster would be what we wanted. Unfortunately, the last lobster had already disappeared. Drats! If only they didn’t leave us waiting. We pressed on and ordered our mussels. Ms. O ordered the Poulette.
Two pounds of mussels served in a creamy white wine & shallot sauce. She was kind enough to share. The sauce was really delicious. I’m usually skeptical of creamy white sauces but this one was delicious. I was quite satisfied with my order too, the Rasta.
It was a Jamaican curry sauce and crisp apple. YUMMY! It wasn’t as spicy as I would have liked but it was extremely flavorful. The crispy crunch of the apple was a nice contrast to the mussels. Our mussels also came with a side of Belgian fries.
They weren’t my favorite they were a little airy and I like my potatoes to have substance. They were perfect for dipping in the broth! The experience at Petite Abeille wasn’t as great as I would have liked – but all I really wanted was lobster. Although their menu offers a lot of options for types of mussels, they don’t compare to The Mussel Pot. But then again it makes sense that a place that primarily serves mussels would have more options.
I will likely go back earlier on lobster night to try it out…but I’m not sure I can resist the mussels!
Hungry yet?

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